Being Grateful

Thanksgiving is the best. It’s not a religious holiday so you don’t have to starve yourself or go to services. Thanksgiving is food, family, football, friends and fun. The holiday is all about giving, and it doesn’t ask for much in return. Thanksgiving doesn’t care if we eat at 3:00 or at 7:00. It doesn’t care if we stay…

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5 Punishments You Must Try!

I have two daughters; one is 6 and one is 8. The 6 year old, for the most part, is very good. She’s a pleaser, she only wants Mommy and Daddy to be proud of her: The 8 year old though, she doesn’t really care what we think:   She cares about what she can…

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Damaged Goods

On Monday I went nuts on my kids. When I turned around to see BOTH of them on their stomachs, hanging over the seats, a$$es in the air and shoes on the ceiling of my MONTH OLD CAR, I went nuts. I have told my 8 year old on several different occasions that, as a rule, dirty…

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What They Would Have Wanted…

When I was in my 20’s, I had an on-again/off-again boyfriend who was not good for me, but I was addicted to him. The first time we met the attraction was instantaneous and we were fighting before we were even formally introduced. When he suggested that we go for ice cream in order to “cool…

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Taking Advantage Of Growing Up At A Summer Camp

When I was a little girl, I wanted to grow up in the “room on the tippy-top floor” of the Plaza Hotel in New York City like Eloise from the book Eloise. My kids are growing up an at overnight camp in Northern Michigan. For them, Camp Tanuga is the Plaza Hotel.

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There’s a kid at camp named Chase Perlman. He was a camper for many years and now he’s a counselor. Chase Perlman has two brothers and they are equally as awesome as he is. They come from a very special family, and they are all very special to us. One night during the summer of 2013, Chase Perlman…

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The Worst Swear Word Of Them All

There are 3 people in this world that hate me. (Probably more, but 3 that I am aware of.) I don’t hate them though. I don’t think I could ever truly HATE someone in my life. There are people I can’t stand, and there are people that I strongly dislike, but there’s no one that I for real…

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The Beginning of Your Life Starts at the End of Your Comfort Zone.

It’s May so my huz is gone. He and Bruno (our dog) moved up north at the end of April to start working at camp. This is them: We will visit a few times, but we won’t move up for good until school is out on June 12th. So for now, it’s just me and the divas in the house.…

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On Being Late

I don’t remember my high school curfew, but I know I was late a lot. Sometimes I didn’t make it home until sunrise. My dad no longer lived with us and I figured out ways to work around my mom. I feel bad now for worrying my mom, but back then, I didn’t care. Unfortunately for me—she did,…

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4 New Games For Your Kids

Are your kids sick of playing School? Are they done fighting over who gets to be the dog when they play House? Are you scared for them to play Doctor? Sounds like it’s time to step up the game options so, in the spirit of Pretend Play, my 5 and 7 year old daughters and I have…

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