Thank You Note

Dear You, On March 23, 2016 we came out with the post Lose Yourself. It was an announcement post of sorts: We decided as a family we were going to take a shot at branding Dim Sum and Doughnuts.

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Professionals Who Party

When I was in high school, I had an English teacher who wore sport coats and ties. It was the 80’s and a lot of the male faculty dressed that way. They dressed more formal than the students. This teacher though, he only dressed like that on top. On the bottom he wore jeans.

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Mother’s Day

(From The Archives, May 2014) Every once in a while I do a NO BOYS ALLOWED post. This is one of those posts:

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Walt Disney’s Progress Report

(From The Archives: July, 2011) My girls aren’t big into TV. They like the show Imagination Movers, but outside of that, TV is not really their thing. Disney movies are what’s big in our house.

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Just Wait!

(From The Archives: April 3, 2012) For some reason, whenever I voice a concern about my kids, there is almost always someone who feels the need to weigh in with the following response: “Oh, just wait. That’s NOTHING… Just wait until she is (fill in whatever age their kid is), because that’s way worse!” I can’t stand that. Currently, my younger kid is still pooping…

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The Thing About Play Dates…

(From The Archives: July 19, 2011) The term “play date” has always been of interest to me. There aren’t many like it in the English language. It’s really the only term I can think of that is filled with formality, necessity and stupidity all at the same time.

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Why My Kids Are Going To End Up In Therapy

When you’re a parent, you can tell your kid to do pretty much anything you want and they have to do it. I’m not making any recommendations, or judgments— I’m just stating a fact: There is great power in being a parent.

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Why Are My Kids Spoiled Brats?

There are moments when I look at my girls and I’m so proud of them. Those moments are prized and precious. As parents, we don’t get paid for the job we do, our payment is the product. And the product is the kid.

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10 Things I Have Learned From Walking My Dog

I was taken by surprise last week when the Vet told me my dog, Bruno, was 10 pounds overweight. I knew he was a little plump, but not 10 pounds. I was not happy. I felt like he was basically calling my dog a fat ass, and when he wouldn’t let up, I wanted to point out that HE was also overweight!

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When Karma Shows Up At An Eminem Concert

My 7 year old daughter, F, got stung by a bee. The story goes that the bee was buzzing around her but she stayed really still and he left. But then he came back. She says he came back and hid inside her pants until she was inside our cabin playing with her sister—and then he stung her on the…

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