You’re Not Alone (X)

I’m not saying these are all about me. I’m just saying if you feel ANY of it, you’re not alone.

You’re not alone if…

1. Your house is a mess and so is your hair and your nails and pretty much everything.

2.  You can’t get caught up on anything.

3. You’re exhausted.

4. You want to eat everything without having to exercise, ever.

5. You’re doing your best, but not sure if it’s enough.

6. You don’t know how to use the navigation in your car.

7. You don’t accept “fruit” as “dessert.” 

8. You leave horrible voice mail messages and repeat yourself a lot.

9. You get happy when you see a drink with a little umbrella.

10. You fight with the “Hands Free” dryers and soap dispensers in almost every bathroom because so many of them SUCK.

11. You don’t know how to pronounce MEME (or know what a MEME is).

12. You have bad days when you don’t want to be around anyone.

13. You have good days when you want to be around everyone.

14. You made your favorite song your ringtone and now you never want to hear it again.

15. You wonder what it’s like to get 8 hours of sleep.

16. You would rather risk injury by carrying ALL the grocery bags in at once, because that’s preferable to making two trips.

17. You can’t remember anyone’s name 2 seconds after they tell you, because even though you asked, you weren’t really ready to process it.

18. You call out people in other cars who text and drive by giving them “the look” and matching “WTF, LOSER!” hand motions.

19. You love driving at dusk–windows down, radio up–but still kind of worry that a deer will run in front of your car from out of nowhere and ruin everything—for both of you.

20. You made it though this whole list. (And we thank you.) Feel free to add your own YNA line in the comments or pass it on to someone else who might like it! #YoureNotAlone #WeSeeYou #KeepCrushingIt